Viewing with the sun with binocular? Why not? Mount a set of binocular solar filter, you will enjoy the solar image in natural colour.
Currently we have #7743 in stock. Orion solar filter includes three equidistant thumscrews, 4x 1/16" adhesive foam tabs, and 4x 1/8" adhesive foam tabs for customized fractin fits to your binocular. Each Orion filter is mounted in an aluminium cell that slide-fits over the objective lenses of the binoculars.
Orion full-aperture optical glass filters deliver superb views of the Sun, without risk to your eyes. Orion solar filters provide better contrast, a more natural yellow-orange color than blue - are more durable.
Turning your telescope or binocular to the Sun is fun and educational.
Drop us mails should you have any queries over the solar filter at